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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Unsafe Environment Most of all we need a safe environment in which to make mistakes. This is one of the reasons the Lord Himself wants to be our Teacher: only He can treat you with the unconditional love, acceptance and honor that... more

Demonic Interference: Until we are living in complete and utter dependence on Christ we will be susceptible to attacks and interference from the enemy. He will definitely stick his nose in our training, especially if we are beginning to enjoy... more

Being Arrogant: One way arrogance shows up as gifts are being expressed is by leaving the impression that the person with the gift is somehow more mature, blessed or anointed because of the working or fruit of the gift. There is only One... more

Lack of Knowledge: Gaining the knowledge of the Lord is simple. It is not easy, because it will cost us everything, but it is simple. Demonic Interference: Until we are living in complete and utter dependence on Christ we will be susceptible to... more

Being Arrogant: One way arrogance shows up as gifts are being expressed is by leaving the impression that the person with the gift is somehow more mature, blessed or anointed because of the working or fruit of the gift. There is only One... more

Being Arrogant: One way arrogance shows up as gifts are being expressed is by leaving the impression that the person with the gift is somehow more mature, blessed or anointed because of the working or fruit of the gift. There is only One... more

Selfish: At one time or another we are all tempted to use the gifts for our own purposes, for getting our needs for attention and recognition met. Being tempted is not the problem, but failing to recognize this subtle distraction can be a... more

Selfish: At one time or another we are all tempted to use the gifts for our own purposes, for getting our needs for attention and recognition met. Being tempted is not the problem, but failing to recognize this subtle distraction can be a... more

Selfish: At one time or another we are all tempted to use the gifts for our own purposes, for getting our needs for attention and recognition met. Being tempted is not the problem, but failing to recognize this subtle distraction can be a... more

Selfish: At one time or another we are all tempted to use the gifts for our own purposes, for getting our needs for attention and recognition met. Being tempted is not the problem, but failing to recognize this subtle distraction can be a... more
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