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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Divine Guidance – Embracing Guidance 1. Recognize and submit your will to His sovereignty. 2. God wants us to know His will for us according to our spiritual nature. 3. God wants us to know the multiple dimensions of His purpose... more

Divine Guidance – Embracing Guidance 1. Recognize and submit your will to His sovereignty. 2. God wants us to know His will for us according to our spiritual nature. 3. God wants us to know the multiple dimensions of His purpose... more

Divine Guidance – Embracing Guidance 1. Recognize and submit your will to His sovereignty. 2. God wants us to know His will for us according to our spiritual nature. As we become more and more familiar with living according to... more

Divine Guidance – Embracing Guidance 1. Recognize and submit your will to His sovereignty. God's will for us as individuals is an expression of His purpose for us. By recognizing His sovereignty, we acknowledge that He is the sole... more

There are two main areas where we can expect to see practical and obvious results of learning to know God: Divine Guidance and Ministry Involvement. The more you depend on Him to meet your needs, the more He will begin to interfere... more

There are two main areas where we can expect to see practical and obvious results of learning to know God: Divine Guidance and Ministry Involvement. The more you depend on Him to meet your needs, the more He will begin to interfere... more

We are challenged to be devoted to God alone, looking to Him for encouragement, reward, recognition and motivation. The Lord is both your Reward and your Rewarder. Though there will most likely be evidence of God's work in... more

We are challenged to be devoted to God alone, looking to Him for encouragement, reward, recognition and motivation. One way to determine who and what has authority in your life is to identify your source of... more

THE GREATEST CHALLENGE IS THAT KNOWING GOD TAKES TIME AND ATTENTION, AND TO HURRY GOD IS TO FIND FAULT WITH HIM As we grow in patience toward God, we will also grow in patience with ourselves and... more

We are challenged to restful, diligent patience with ourselves, others and with God. THE GREATEST CHALLENGE IS THAT KNOWING GOD TAKES TIME AND ATTENTION! Ours is an instant society, in which wars must be fought and... more
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