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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Being Judgmental: There are at least two ways judgmentalism plays into learning about the gifts. First, being on the receiving end of ministry, and rejecting the ministry given. It is likely there will be a reaction on the part of the one... more

Independence: Flowing in the gifts of the Spirit is an outflowing of something that already resides within each of us. If we find it a strain and a struggle, either emotionally or mentally, or find it hard to act on the gift, we are likely trying to... more

Being Controlling: Control is just another word for flesh, or getting our needs met our way, without God. So we can use the gifts to gain recognition or to prevent rejection. Either way it is the flesh, and is ultimately an attempt to control not... more

Personal Immaturity in the Use of the Supernatural Gifts: Just because someone is immature (aren't we all?) doesn't give any of us justification either to ignore the results of their gifts or to neglect their operation in our own lives.Being... more

Personal Immaturity: There is a difference between being ?child-like? and ?child-ish.?Personal Immaturity in the Use of the Supernatural Gifts: Just because someone is immature (aren't we all?) doesn't give any of us justification either to... more

Learning to be ready and available to move in all the gifts of the Spirit is part of the learning process. The goal is not to become proficient at moving in the gifts, but to rest in dependence on the Lord. Not just for our training in how to use... more

Learning to be ready and available to move in all the gifts of the Spirit is part of the learning process. The goal is not to become proficient at moving in the gifts, but to rest in dependence on the Lord. Not just for our training in how to use... more

Learning to be ready and available to move in all the gifts of the Spirit is part of the learning process. The goal is not to become proficient at moving in the gifts, but to rest in dependence on the Lord. Not just for our training in how to use... more

If the best gift is the one that is most needed, can we extend that valuation to the person being used in that gift? Does the person who has the most and/or best gift have the most authority? Again most structural religious organizations... more

This is another area where a lot of teaching has been produced based on just a few scriptures. What we want to look at is what are the gifts, who are they for, how do we get them, and what do we do with them. The charisma, or gifts... more
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