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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Awareness of the supernatural realm is essential in recognizing and responding to the Presence and Communication of God. Most of us have, at one time or another, in one way or another, ?sensed? the Presence of the Lord, heard His... more

Awareness of the supernatural realm is essential in recognizing and responding to the Presence and Communication of God. Most of us have, at one time or another, in one way or another, ?sensed? the Presence of the Lord, heard His... more

When we speak of the Lord's visits, we are referring to the ways in which the Lord makes Himself personally known either to our natural or supernatural senses. He does this for a variety of reasons, but it will always be to draw... more

When we speak of the Lord's visits, we are referring to the ways in which the Lord makes Himself personally known either to our natural or supernatural senses. He does this for a variety of reasons, but it will always be to draw... more

When we speak of the Lord's visits, we are referring to the ways in which the Lord makes Himself personally known either to our natural or supernatural senses. He does this for a variety of reasons, but it will always be to draw... more

When we speak of the Lord's visits, we are referring to the ways in which the Lord makes Himself personally known either to our natural or supernatural senses. He does this for a variety of reasons, but it will always be to draw... more

When we speak of the Lord's visits, we are referring to the ways in which the Lord makes Himself personally known either to our natural or supernatural senses. He does this for a variety of reasons, but it will always be to draw... more

Today we'll discuss 4 Keys or Assists as you commit to learning how to pursue supernatural experiences. Remember your goal is to learn how to know God in a new or expanded way – not to master the material or achieve some... more

Supernatural Experiences can be broadly defined as the reality of the spiritual and natural realms breaking through and/or being revealed to our soul, which exists in the supernatural realm. This is why learning to wait on the Lord and... more

Experiencing the supernatural should be a normal aspect of every believers' life. In fact, it already is, but our senses have not become tuned to what the Lord is already doing in the spiritual, supernatural and natural realms. So by learning to... more
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