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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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This is another area where a lot of teaching has been produced based on just a few scriptures. What we want to look at is what are the gifts, who are they for, how do we get them, and what do we do with them. The charisma, or gifts... more

This is another area where a lot of teaching has been produced based on just a few scriptures. What we want to look at is what are the gifts, who are they for, how do we get them, and what do we do with them. The charisma, or gifts... more

The Holy Spirit has power and authority over all three realms: spiritual, supernatural and natural. He knows no other purpose or existence than to be an extension and expression of God; He is trustworthy and reliable and utterly... more

The Holy Spirit has power and authority over all three realms: spiritual, supernatural and natural. He knows no other purpose or existence than to be an extension and expression of God; He is trustworthy and reliable and utterly... more

The Holy Spirit has power and authority over all three realms: spiritual, supernatural and natural. He knows no other purpose or existence than to be an extension and expression of God; He is trustworthy and reliable and utterly... more

As believers, our spirit has been re-born, and the connection with the Holy Spirit is re-established. As He continues His work of bringing our soul and body into completeness, He clears out the once-used conduits of the debris of misuse and... more

The Holy Spirit is a person and wants to be known as a person. We don't know what we don't know, and we don't know the dynamics of how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit relate. We do know that who we truly are, a spirit, DOES know... more

The Holy Spirit is a person and wants to be known as a person. We don't know what we don't know, and we don't know the dynamics of how the Father, Son and Holy Spirit relate. We do know that who we truly are, a spirit, DOES know... more

Hopefully by now you will be encouraged to ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you through supernatural experiences and will have become comfortable starting to follow the ?8 Steps.? Remember that He has a unique relationship with you, so... more

Hopefully by now you will be encouraged to ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you through supernatural experiences and will have become comfortable starting to follow the ?8 Steps.? Remember that He has a unique relationship with you, so... more
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