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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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We are challenged to take risks, make mistakes, be wounded and rejected. Each of us has our own set of fears, though when it comes to God, they generally fit into three categories: fear of punishment (God will make me, or others that... more

We are challenged to take risks, make mistakes, be wounded and rejected. Each of us has our own set of fears, though when it comes to God, they generally fit into three categories: fear of punishment (God will make me, or others that... more

We are challenged to take risks, make mistakes, be wounded and rejected. Our fears can fit into three categories: fear of punishment (God will make me, or others that I love, pay for my mistakes), fear of failure (disappointing God) and... more

We are challenged to deal with our individual temperament's strengths and weaknesses. MIND (what we think/believe) God gives us understanding and wisdom despite our temperament, not because of it. WILL (what we choose to... more

We are challenged to deal with our individual temperament's strengths and weaknesses. MIND (what we think/believe) God gives us understanding and wisdom despite our temperament, not because of it. WILL (what we choose to... more

MIND (what we think/believe) Over time, the strength or weakness of our mind will interfere less and less with the expression of our spiritual nature. A thinking person is no more able to move in the gifts than a less intellectual believer. In... more

We are challenged to deal with our individual temperament's strengths and weaknesses. Remember that God gave you the temperament He wanted you to have—it ain't broke, and He ain't gonna fix it! One of our goals as we... more

We are challenged to acknowledge and take responsibility for the inheritance, gifts and authority God has given us. All believers are gifted of God, but not all believers accept or act on that reality. In our physical bodies, whether we were... more

We are challenged to both recognize and submit to the sovereignty of God over our lives and our training. It is possible to be so focused on the ?things? of the Spirit that we neglect our relationship with the Lord. The reason doesn't matter;... more

We are challenged to both recognize and submit to the sovereignty of God over our lives and our training. It is possible to be so focused on the ?things? of the Spirit that we neglect our relationship with the Lord. The reason doesn't matter;... more
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