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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Angels Angels are supernatural beings created by God to minister to us in a variety of ways. Both angels and demons abide by the authority that governs the supernatural realm; they are under the authority of spirit beings: God and... more

4. Knowing God Experimentally The assurance of His Personal Presence is a supernatural rest in the midst of unrest and therefore passes all understanding, because it has been tested both in the fires of adversity and the temptations of... more

1. Providence/Circumstance 2. Law/Morality 3. Instruction/Direction Conditional guidance in which our participation, awareness and enjoyment of the leading of God is contingent upon our compliance with certain conditions, i.e., having our... more

1. Providence/Circumstance 2. Law/Morality The law of the land, or social/cultural guidance, governs the natural realm in which we live, and the consequences of breaking the law are also natural. Likewise, morality is cultural; what is... more

Take some time to reflect and let the Lord bring to your mind those areas in your personal history that you may have overlooked in which He was trying to give you guidance, but it was perhaps missed because it was misinterpreted. 1.... more

How to Know the Will of God Conclusion: Repetition of Personal Crises. Sometimes it seems like we get locked into habit patterns where we repeat the same mistakes over and over again. This is one of the ways God brings to our... more

Consequences of Not Waiting for Divine Guidance Loss of His Personal Presence. Though we can never escape from the omnipresence of God, or even the manifest presence of God, we CAN lose the awareness of the Personal... more

Consequences of Not Waiting for Divine Guidance God uses our need for guidance and direction in our lives as an effective catalyst to draw us into dependence on Him. If we refuse, resist or fail to recognize this drawing, or... more

The Need for Divine Guidance God's goal for us is not for us to be ?in His will,? but to be dependent on Him to reveal that will to us and through us on a moment-by-moment basis. God has committed Himself to our care, provision... more

Divine Guidance – Embracing Guidance 1. Recognize and submit your will to His sovereignty. 2. God wants us to know His will for us according to our spiritual nature. 3. God wants us to know the multiple dimensions of His purpose... more
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