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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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THE CODIFIED LAW (The Written Law of Moses) Tithing Instituted as Part of the Covenant The Tithe Goes to the Levites Israel was directed to tithe directly to the Levites, which was set aside as a tithe of the people to be holy unto the Lord. It... more

"Tithe" as a Noun simply means "tenth." In many places in scripture the word is simply a number. It is also used as a verb, or an activity God requires as partial fulfillment of His covenant with Israel. Elements of a Covenant Both parties... more

One of the most divisive issues in the church continues to be regarding tithing. Many misunderstand the term, its use in the scriptures and its meaning for the church today. We will be looking at the topic from as clear a perspective as... more

Ways to approach disagreements over spirituality within the church, family and occupations. We all want to think that those we care about or respect are open to hearing new opinions, thoughts and even correction. Unfortunately, that often... more

What Does Knowing God by Cultivating Quietness Look Like? Confidence The Christian learning to depend on God is confident of His relationship. When you know where to go to get the answers, strength or healing you need, you are... more

Recognition Experience Comrades Fellowship with Him Words cannot express what this is like, though we share our various experiences. He shares His secret plans with those He trusts. We can be confident that our fellowship with Him is... more

Recognition There will be occasions when the recognition will be public, and times when it will be private and personal. In many cases the Lord likes to show off through His people; we can consider it an extension and a reflection of His high... more

Hindrances to Ministry The World System The most damaging manifestation of the world system in Christianity is in the form of religious organization. In order to expose and deny the world system, which says that if you are in the center of... more

The Cost of Ministry School of the Spirit School of the Prophets The King's College (for the Sons of God) For some who have endured the training of the School of the Prophets, the Lord extends an invitation to enter the King's... more

School of the Spirit (for all Saints, the Children of God) When we become a spirit being, we automatically enter the School of the Spirit. This is not a choice we make or qualify for due to a test we take, but a response to the desire of God... more
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