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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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3 Realms Chart The Soul & the Supernatural Realm Each of us is born with a soul. The soul is made up of mind, will and emotions. The soul is distinct from both the body and the spirit. The soul God gave each of us is the one... more

Spiritual Warfare The only kind of ?spiritual? warfare going on now is actually between the spiritual and another realm, either the natural, the supernatural or both. Even these battles are completely under God's control. What Does... more

3 Realms Chart Spirit of God If Spirit begets Spirit, what is true of the seed is true of what that seed grows into, even if it appears different. Jesus was begotten of the Father, by the Holy Spirit. All of the characteristics or attributes of the... more

3 Realms Chart Human Spirit? The scriptures shed surprisingly little light on this issue, except that one of the purposes of the Word is to divide between an individual's spirit and soul and clearly differentiates between the two. Spirit of... more

3 Realms of Reality chart The Body & the Natural Realm Our body was made to function in this earthly environment for a limited time and under earthly restrictions, and it is our body that communicates and relates to this world. The... more

These First Things 11) Man likes to make complex what God has made simple. 12) Accept what God reveals, even if it doesn't answer all your questions or doesn't seem to fit in with your other beliefs. 13) Is what you're believing working... more

These First Things 11) Man likes to make complex what God has made simple. 12) Accept what God reveals, even if it doesn't answer all your questions or doesn't seem to fit in with your other beliefs. 13) Is what you're believing working... more

3) Most of us don't know what we believe. 4) We need to be practical — God is! 5) Wholeness, freedom and life are God's provision for us — NOW! 6) We are often fighting the wrong battles. 7) A lot of what we have chosen to... more

1) Truth is a Person — Jesus Christ Himself. 2) None of us has all the truth. 3) Most of us don't know what we believe. That which is truth, from God for us at this time, will stand the light of day. That which doesn't, well, it wasn't... more

1) Truth is a Person — Jesus Christ Himself. 2) None of us has all the truth. 3) Most of us don't know what we believe. That which is truth, from God for us at this time, will stand the light of day. That which doesn't, well, it wasn't... more
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