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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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10. Be willing to be out of control. The more you get to know God personally and practically the more you will be willing to be out of control. One of God's main purposes for us now is to make this a reality in our lives on this earth. This can... more

9. Develop your Warfare Skills. Recognize, prepare and engage in battle with your three enemies: the world, the flesh and the devil. Failing to engage in this battle surrenders that battlefront and makes you vulnerable in that area. Warfare is... more

7. KISS: Keep it Simple, Saint! The desire to make the Christian walk complicated or specialized, by depending on mental understanding of the scriptures or approval from others, is often merely an expression of the arrogance of our... more

6. Accept that God loves you as a unique individual, and wants what is best for you. Your value is not measured by what you can accomplish FOR Him, but by how much you depend ON Him. No comparisons are adequate to describe the... more

4. Don't put off until another time the freedom, healing and responsibility God wants you to experience now. Discover God's purpose for you now, in personal terms, then keep your focus on what He is doing in your life. Let Him be God,... more

Here's a quick summary of 10 things that we can do to join God in His purposes for us now: 1. Be willing to change your beliefs. Question what you think you know, and let the Lord reveal His Truth. 2. Embrace your True Identity: You... more

Joining God as He works out His purposes in our lives enables us to rest and abide with confidence. When we know we're on God's side, we know the result is guaranteed and will be satisfying for both us and God. We can face life's... more

God really only wants two things from us: our Time and our Attention. First, we show up for class. Second, we work on the assignments He gives us. Persistence We join in God's purposes by sticking it out with Him. There will be many... more

God's Purpose Now: God Teaches Us How To Walk In Freedom God's purpose is to teach us in practical terms how to walk in this life in freedom from the influence of the world, our flesh and the devil. What Hinders God's Purpose... more

Removing our flesh is His job, not ours, and He is always working on this. Our flesh is the only thing that truly stands in the way of our resting and relaxing in our new identity, and it is the only thing that interferes with God's life working in and... more
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