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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Waiting: The ?How-To's? of Hearing the Lord's Voice For our purposes, waiting on the Lord is the process by which our soul and body are presented before the Lord in stillness by faith to provide Him the opportunity to do His work... more

As we learn to depend on Him, as He exercises His full rights over our lives, we begin to enjoy letting Him live through us, even in unpleasant situations. Since one of the goals of the flesh is to maintain control, as the Lord begins to... more

At one time or another, we all likely fall into the trap of trying to take responsibility for our relationship with God. But it is all His idea, and He already has planned out every circumstance, challenge and encouragement necessary to bring... more

As our soul and body align with our spirit, His River of Life flows through us unhindered; our behavior begins to line up with our identity. Not only do we experience freedom, healing and dependence in our own being, but we become... more

Growing in God? As we follow on to know Him, we will increase in our awareness of His presence, involvement, and His character in our lives. In our spirits, who we truly are, we are already as mature as we are ever going to get. What DOES... more

We start by asking Him to reveal Himself, acknowledging that He fully enabled us to know Him when He gave us a new heart at the Resurrection. We already have the capability to know and understand, we just fail to put in the time... more

You Already Want to Know God Who we truly are, as spirit beings, already completely knows Him and is receiving His Life, living His eternal Life now. But our soul and body do not yet know Him on that same level. This is... more

What Knowing God is Not Knowing God cannot necessarily be measured by what we've been taught by others. We can know all about a subject or person and never have experienced that subject or truly known that person at all. Even... more

What is Knowing God? Knowing God is being in an intimate relationship with Him in all aspects of our being, spirit, soul and body. As Believers, we already enjoy this relationship with God in our spirit. But in our soul (mind, will and emotions)... more

Knowing God is being in an intimate relationship with Him in all aspects of our being, spirit, soul and body. As Believers, we already enjoy this relationship with God in our spirit. But in our soul (mind, will and emotions) and body we are... more
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