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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Adrift in Him As an illustration, picture yourself on an inflatable raft in the middle of a lake. There are waves all around, being whipped up by the wind, and there is nothing you can do about it. The wind is caused by external distractions, and... more

Whatever happens during this time is up to the Lord! This is His training ground, and He will provide exactly what we need to accomplish His purpose for this time. Reacting to the actions of our soul only gives it control and keeps it from being... more

FocusYour mind WILL wander! The odds are that for most of your life you have let your thoughts and emotions go wherever they wanted. There were of course times when they would be disciplined, but they would entail... more

The act of waiting is providing the Lord with the opportunity to do His work IN you with as little interference FROM you as possible. To do this, your focus will be to let the Lord bring your mind, will and emotions into focused submission to... more

Focus First, get comfortable in a quiet, undisturbed setting. If you only have a limited amount of time, be able to see a clock easily from where you are sitting. As you close your eyes, think of closing the door to outside... more

Location. Pick a place that is comfortable yet not conducive to falling asleep. You'll also want to make sure there are not a lot of distractions, whether visual, mental or audible. You may want to set up a particular location for this purpose;... more

How to Start Decide on a specific amount of time. Set a separate time apart from study, prayer or healing. This time is dedicated to the purpose of making yourself available to the Lord for His purposes. Your focus will be on being still before... more

How to Start Decide on a specific amount of time. We want to be occupied with living, but not pre-occupied. Set a separate time apart from study, prayer or healing. This time is dedicated to the purpose of making yourself available to... more

How to Start Decide on a specific amount of time. As a starting point, set as a goal to practice learning to wait 20 minutes 5 times a week and 2 hours twice a week. Set a separate time apart from study, prayer or healing. Time of... more

Who you truly are, a spirit being, is in perfect communion and communication with God. Your soul—your mind, will and emotions—is in the process of being healed of the wounds caused by believing lies. As your soul is... more
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