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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Man, in his intellectual arrogance, loves to make complex what God has made simple. And knowing God is simple. It's not easy, but it's simple. He's already done all the hard work; our job now is to get on His timetable, let Him make the... more

Waiting on the Lord impacts every aspect of our daily lives. Though we will need to structure our time to incorporate a specific time period for waiting, we will also need to shift our view of control over our lives in its entirety in order to be able... more

A word of warning to those who desire to hear the Lord; He WILL respond! God desires to speak to His people on a personal level. As you set your ears to hear Him, He will put you in situations that will provide opportunities to test what you... more

Develop the habit of going TO THE LORD with your questions or for clarification in how to respond. Though the Lord may very well use others to speak to you, He is not obligated to, and reserves the right to speak to you in person.... more

Response (WHAT TO DO with what you've heard) Ask! ?Lord, what should I do with this?? We will get into some specific responses to specific situations later, but for now develop the habit of going TO THE LORD with your questions or... more

Think of your closest personal relationship, or even your relationship with a co-worker or person in authority over you. What if your boss came to you and asked that a task be accomplished in a certain way by a certain time? Would... more

Secrets & Mysteries There will be times that we are to accept what He says without understanding it. God is under no obligation to explain Himself. Well, then, why does He share it with us? Who you truly are in your spirit already... more

Secrets (Mysteries) Sometimes the Lord speaks to us things that we don't understand at the time. Often this is to draw us into a deeper understanding of His ways by encouraging us to put other things aside (both things that take up our... more

God loves to show His friends what is on His heart before He does things. He wants to be able to trust us with things that are important to Him; part of the process of getting there is entrusting us with secrets and seeing how well we... more

Confirmation Once God knows He has our confidence, He will likely enjoy celebrating with us through confirmation, after we have stepped out or made a decision. God's confirmation to Moses that he was hearing from Him was that... more
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