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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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So What Exactly are Supernatural Experiences? Supernatural Experiences can be broadly defined as the reality of the spiritual and natural realms breaking through and/or being revealed to our soul, which exists in the supernatural realm. This... more

Choosing Ignorance Ignorance of the supernatural, or our involvement, is no excuse, and even makes us vulnerable to our enemies the world, the flesh and the devil. The supernatural realm is the main battleground for our life here on... more

Ignorant Ignorance of the supernatural, or our involvement, is no excuse, and even makes us vulnerable to our enemies the world, the flesh and the devil. The supernatural realm is the main battleground for our life here on earth; not doing... more

Neutral Attitude Toward Supernatural Experiences This stance toward the supernatural is characterized in word or deed by the thought that, ?If God wanted me to have supernatural experiences, I'd be having them.? This nullifies our... more

Negative Attitudes: Those who have a negative attitude toward supernatural experiences usually do so because of misinformation, based on someone else's experience or opinion, or the fear of being out of control and the possibility of... more

Positive: Supernatural Experiences are part of the Believers' daily experience and should be cultivated, valued and appreciated. The Holy Spirit can be trusted to train, protect and provide whatever is necessary to promote His... more

Positive: Supernatural Experiences are part of the Believers' daily experience and should be cultivated, valued and appreciated. The Holy Spirit can be trusted to train, protect and provide whatever is necessary to promote His... more

Experiencing the supernatural should be a normal aspect of every believers' life. In fact, it already is, but our senses have not become tuned to what the Lord is already doing in the spiritual, supernatural and natural realms. So by learning to... more

God's Personal Presence is Present God doesn't want us to put off until later a relationship that is available now. Eternal life IS knowing God! It is not something that someday we will receive. We see Him face-to-face now in our spirit,... more

Knowing God will birth a desire, a thirst to know Him still more. We become more willing to deal with everything that obstructs us from entering into that dependent relationship. Any desire to know Him comes from Him, so we know it will not be... more
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