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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Since we are spirit beings, we are in constant union with Him now, so we are experiencing this personal presence now, though pretty much only in our spirit. As we pursue knowing Him inwardly, our confidence in recognizing His presence... more

God is everywhere, created everything and everyone, and exists eternally. He created time, and tis Master over and controls it. He created the elements, and is Master over and controls them. He created the three realms of reality (spiritual,... more

God is a real person, and wants us to be confident of His present-ness. He exists on many levels, but as His sons we have the privilege of knowing Him in an intimate level not available to unbelievers and other elements of His creation.... more

Taking Responsibility God Himself not only made the way for us to enter into a knowing relationship with Him, He also takes full responsibility for every aspect of our progress. He provides the teaching, encouragement, revelation, strength,... more

Overcoming the World System God purposes specific circumstances designed for each of us to learn, through dependence on Him, to overcome the world and to learn to know God in our entire beings just as we know Him in our spirit now.... more

Overcoming the World System Jesus has already overcome the world system, so in our spirit being, we also have overcome the world system. However, our soul and body have not yet walked this out experientially. God purposes specific... more

Overcoming Our Flesh Though our spirit knows God now, our flesh (our soul getting its needs met outside of God), is a barrier between our spirit and our soul. Through the working of sin, death and our flesh, as well as what has been... more

Salvation: The Restoration of Our Spirit At the core of God's plan of these present ages is His intent to bring you and I into an intimate relationship with Him. Jesus wasn't sent to earth to die on the cross, He died on the cross because that was... more

God paid a very high price to make a way for each and every one of us to know Him intimately and uniquely. Don't settle for anything less than an intimate relationship with Him! More than 2000 years ago God took the initiative to... more

Knowing God, His Part God knows we have difficulty knowing Him fully in our soul and body. It's been a long time—ages in fact—since we communed with Him in our true state of spirit being. His ways are not our ways; He does... more
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