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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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How do we hear Him in our mind, will and emotions, even by our physical senses? It isn't all that complicated; in fact, it's simple! Not easy, because there are enemies that don't want us to hear from God, but it is simple. Here's a... more

Circumstances May or May Not Change It is through our circumstances that we often see the greatest evidence of where we are still under the influence of our enemies the world, the flesh and the devil. It is worth waiting on Him to be able... more

Wounds Healed The more time we spend with the Lord, the more liberty He takes in bringing our soul and body into alignment with our spirit, which is already in alignment with His Spirit. Though nothing may appear to be happening on the... more

Relief Learning to wait on the Lord is something we can all do, regardless of our circumstances, skills or abilities. When we realize that God is waiting for us to wait, and that waiting is something we CAN do, DOING it can take the pressure... more

We miss Him because He comes to us Un-Understood: He is Truth, and what He says and does will not necessarily line up with what we already ?know.? To understand Him, we will have to relinquish our understanding. Practical... more

Part of the process of learning to wait brings us to the point of wanting to know the Lord simply because we want to know Him, not for what He does, says or how He makes us feel. Would we go where we're not wanted? Do you want... more

Here are some of the ways we reject the Lord's overtures without even knowing it: We miss Him because He comes to us Unwanted Jesus wants to be wanted. Though the odds are that all of us say that we want to know the Lord, we may... more

Here are some of the ways we reject the Lord's overtures: We miss Him because He comes to us Unwanted Jesus wants to be wanted. Though the odds are that all of us say that we want to know the Lord, we may only want to know Him... more

God wants us to value Him; we do not seek what we do not value! So He withdraws His Presence, not to tease us, but to draw us after Him, and to expose our hidden attitudes toward Him. Here are some ways we reject the Lord... more

What's Happening? Our soul's awareness is being transferred by our spirit in cooperation with God's Spirit from what is going on in the body (and through the body, our natural circumstances) and in the soul realm (what's taking up the... more
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