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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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Direction Most of us have put such an emphasis on being in the center of the divine will of God that we lose the peace and rest that comes from letting Him guide us as He chooses. His purpose, His goal is not that we make the ?right?... more

Direction One of the main ways the Lord gets our attention, to draw us to Him, is by putting us in positions where we need to make a decision or choice. Most of us have put such an emphasis on being in the center of the divine will of God... more

Specific There are, of course, times when we will be able to identify a specific message or idea from the Lord. Sometimes I marvel at the level of detail God can communicate; think of the direction Moses received concerning the tabernacle... more

Understanding (recognition of WHAT is being said, by revelation and experience) Once we realize it is indeed the Lord speaking to us, the next task is identifying what He is saying to us. Over time we will begin to become familiar with the... more

Practical exercise in hearing God using the example of asking Him if / how to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Questions answered at dianne@thereignersclub.org?

The enemy is subtle, and will often speak to us in phrases we use ourselves. The above test, ?Is that You, Lord,? will likely expose him, though it may take several times applying the test. That's fine with the Lord; He wants us to grow in... more

Being able to distinguish between our own thoughts, thoughts the enemy may speak to us and the thoughts of the Lord is a long-term process that begins with becoming aware of what we are thinking. We will likely find that we have a... more

Most of us are totally unaware of what we are thinking, feeling, or even how we make decisions. So part of the training that God puts us through is for the purpose of bringing these to the surface, so we can objectively evaluate the source.... more

Talking to Your Self Being able to distinguish between our own thoughts, thoughts the enemy may speak to us and the thoughts of the Lord is a long-term process that begins with becoming aware of what we are thinking. Most of us are totally... more

1. Identification (WHO is talking) Ears to Hear Whatever the condition of your hearing, ask God to give you ears that hear, and a heart to respond. We often miss the connection between the circumstances in our life and direction from... more
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