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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

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A natural manifestation is no more significant or trustworthy than any other way He makes Himself known—take everything to Him and let Him speak to you about it. But do enjoy it when it happens! The Lord does! We will also be... more

Physical / Natural Manifestations God may choose to make Himself known in ways that are apparent to the natural senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell. It's fine to ask the Lord to make Himself known in these ways, but even more... more

As He visits, don't assume you know how to interpret or respond—Ask The Lord! He will explain Himself. Physical / Natural Manifestations God may choose to make Himself known in ways that are apparent to the natural senses:... more

Examples of Supernatural Experiences This is by no means an exhaustive study of what is going on even now in the supernatural realm. Our goal is to begin to objectively look at some of the categories that the Lord's supernatural... more

Ask the Lord to bring others into your life with whom you can share experiences. The Lord wants us to be able to learn from others' learning from Him, as well as teaching us how to share with others what He has shared with us. Our... more

Supernatural experiences can be desired and asked for. Ask the Lord to help you to overcome any apprehensions and answer any questions you may have. This is about your relationship with the Lord, and will expand your confidence in Him as... more

Ask the Lord to help you to overcome any apprehensions and answer any questions you may have. This is about your relationship with the Lord, and will expand your confidence in Him as you learn the extent of your authority and... more

Ask the Lord to create in you a hunger and a thirst. Supernatural experiences can be desired and asked for. God wants us to want what He wants for us! Ask the Lord to help you overcome any apprehensions and answer any questions you... more

Supernatural Experiences can be broadly defined as the reality of the spiritual and natural realms breaking through and/or being revealed to our soul, which exists in the supernatural realm. This is why learning to wait on the Lord and being... more

Supernatural Experiences can be broadly defined as the reality of the spiritual and natural realms breaking through and/or being revealed to our soul, which exists in the supernatural realm. This is why learning to wait on the Lord and being... more
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