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Crazy Faith Talk

Crazy Faith Talk


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An engaging, comedic, serious, and hopefully interesting foray into the world of Christianity. Join the discussion...believer, atheist, or skeptic alike! Hosted by Pastor Erica, a Methodist, Pastor Sarah, a Lutheran, and Pastor Steve, who is also Lutheran, Crazy Faith Talk is an ecumenical experiment of cross conversation (pun intended).

On-Demand Episodes

In their newest series for this summer, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve continue exploring hymns new and old for the ways that their poetry draws from the Scriptures, and how those hymns and songs of our faith help us to put in words... more

In this first episode of a new series this summer, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve invite you to take a closer listen at some well-known hymns, new and old, to look at where they come from in the Scriptures. Sometimes we learn the faith by... more

In this final episode of our series on Things the Bible DOESN'T Say, we're looking at something many were sure comes straight from the heart of the Bible--the notion of being able to point to a single moment in your life when you definitively... more

In times of stress and hardship, church folk are often heard to recite like a matnra, "God doesn't give us any more than we can handle." And as well-known a religious cliche as that may be, is that actually what the Bible says? In this... more

Plenty of people have heard (or caught themselves reciting) the little mantra "This too shall pass," and it's easy to think it's a quote from the Bible. The truth is a bit more complicated than that, and while a well-known fable connects that slogan... more

As we're discovering in this series, sometimes a phrase or a line that we have heard a thousand times, attributed to the Bible, doesn't actually come from the Bible, or loses some important background context. That's definitely the case... more

In this second episode of our series on things that many have assumed are in the Bible, but actually aren't, pastors Sarah, Erica, and Steve explore a theology of prayer and faith, and what will keep us from thinking God is a genie responding... more

In a new series starting this week, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve are going to take closer look at things that AREN'T in the Bible, but which a lot of us may have heard, assumed, or believed were there. Our first conversation starts with a... more

In the Scriptures, the Spirit of God is always in the midst of bringing things to life. From the Spirit brooding over the dark chaos at creation, to the breath of God bringing a lump of clay to life as a human being, to the vision of dry bones being... more

After having to find ways to stay connected without being in the same room together during the initial wave of the COVID pandemic in 2020, many churchgoers rediscovered their appreciation for being together in community.... more

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