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Crazy Faith Talk

Crazy Faith Talk


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An engaging, comedic, serious, and hopefully interesting foray into the world of Christianity. Join the discussion...believer, atheist, or skeptic alike! Hosted by Pastor Erica, a Methodist, Pastor Sarah, a Lutheran, and Pastor Steve, who is also Lutheran, Crazy Faith Talk is an ecumenical experiment of cross conversation (pun intended).

On-Demand Episodes

In this final episode of our series, "Books That Shaped Our Ministry," pastors Erica, Steve, and Sarah offer a reading list of a few other titles that we have each found helpful, provocative, or useful in our ministry lives, and we commend them... more

In the third episode of their series on books that have shaped their ministry, pastors Sarah, Erica, and Steve take a look at a book entitled, "Part Time Is Plenty," by G. Jeffrey MacDonald, that offers a vision for how congregations can... more

In their new series, "Books That Shaped Our Ministry," pastors Sarah, Erica, and Steve are taking turns, show-and-tell style, to highlight books that have been important for their ministry in some way. Today, Steve shares a book that is now... more

In our latest series, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve each get a chance to play "show and tell" to highlight a book that has been important or somehow formative for their ministry, theology, or work as a pastor. Starting off this series, Erica... more

In this week's episode of Crazy Faith Talk, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve take a look at a part of the Epiphany story that often goes overlooked, unspoken, or deliberately ignored: the role of the puppet king Herod who kills the infants of... more

There are countless ways to observe the birth of Jesus at Christmas, from beloved songs and carols to Christmas pageants to nativity sets. And we aren't lacking for ways to mark the new year, too, from New Year's Eve parties to the... more

In the second half our Christmas special for this year, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve look at how much of even "traditional" Christmas lore and celebration has been imported from wider culture over time and different places. From the... more

Merry Christmas! For this year's Crazy Faith Talk Christmas special, we're going to take a look at how pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve engage with pop culture Christmas phenomena, from movies to songs to Christmas specials on TV and... more

In this last episode of our Advent 2023 series on being "a waiting church," pastors Sarah, Erica, and Steve look at how to practice Advent-waiting (that is both active and patient) in times that feel like decline. As congregations change or... more

This Advent, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve are looking at what it could mean for us to practice intentional waiting as as the church. How do we reclaim the idea of "waiting" from passively sitting on our hands to something active and... more

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