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Crazy Faith Talk

Crazy Faith Talk


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An engaging, comedic, serious, and hopefully interesting foray into the world of Christianity. Join the discussion...believer, atheist, or skeptic alike! Hosted by Pastor Erica, a Methodist, Pastor Sarah, a Lutheran, and Pastor Steve, who is also Lutheran, Crazy Faith Talk is an ecumenical experiment of cross conversation (pun intended).

On-Demand Episodes

In our new series exploring the sacraments, baptism and Holy Communion, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve are tracing these essential Christian practices from their rootings in the teaching and institution of Jesus through the present... more

In a new series for Eastertide, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve will take a deeper dive into the sacraments: what they are, what they do, and why they matter. Our series begins with a look at baptism--in particular, with Jesus' baptism in the... more

In this final episode of our Lenten series for 2024, pastors Sarah, Erica, and Steve explore one final temptation the church faces--the lure of being the saviors ourselves, rather than pointing to Jesus as Savior. Sometimes it's the way we... more

In their ongoing series for Lent 2024, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve continue to look at temptations the church faces in our modern-day experience. And this time we'll explore the temptation to fall for prosperity theology, or what is sometimes... more

As we continue our Lenten series exploring the different kinds of temptations the church faces, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve take a look at the powerful temptation to become judgmental. In the pursuit of holiness, we can end up... more

As we look continue our series for Lent 2024, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve keep looking at modern-day temptations that the church faces in our own mission and work, and how they might echo the temptations Jesus faced in his own... more

This Lent, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve are taking a look at ways the worldwide community of Jesus, the church, face temptations today, and how they echo the temptations Jesus faced in the wilderness story as well as... more

In a new series for Lent this year, pastors Erica, Sarah, and Steve are going to be looking at some of the major ways the community of Jesus' followers, the church, may be tempted away from the path and way of Jesus. We'll be exploring... more

In this final episode of our series, "Books That Shaped Our Ministry," pastors Erica, Steve, and Sarah offer a reading list of a few other titles that we have each found helpful, provocative, or useful in our ministry lives, and we commend them... more

In the third episode of their series on books that have shaped their ministry, pastors Sarah, Erica, and Steve take a look at a book entitled, "Part Time Is Plenty," by G. Jeffrey MacDonald, that offers a vision for how congregations can... more

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