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Welcome To RuFF-RydRR RADIO --- We Do 'Short' PODCASTS For Those Who DESPISE --- (1) TRUMP + (2) The 'Fetid' GOP + (3) The 'Grotesque' MAGA Nation!

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They've known each other for 40-years. Stone + Trump. Trump + Stone. Boys from the 'hood'. Just 2 wiseguys from Brooklyn Heights/Queens. Stone was a stone-cold killer of political dirty tricks. In the 1972 GOP presidential campaign... more

Roger Stone Life's about to get lonely, You're headed for - downtown You now have worries, Feds close in on you - sorry, They're takin' you - downtown Just listen to the police channels in the squad car in the city Don't linger on the... more

Well, Nancy, I can go to Chick-Filet's hdqtrs. in Atlanta & give my "Take" On The Union Or --- Find The Nearest Walmart Parking Lot ---> I'll Already Have A Built-In Crowd Of Winnebagos, Campers, Truckers, Camper Fans, Pick-Up Trucks. Plus... more

The Madam-Speaker, Nancy (Dragon-Lady) Pelosi, Is Going To Deliver A ?Can-Of-Whoop-Ass? To The ?Traitor-In-Chief.? Delay Your Stupid, Inane, State-Of-The-Union ?Massage? — If For No Other Reason —... more

Donald Trump has been a political escape artist since the beginnings of his shady, scummy, shiftless life. From his spurious (see what I did there?) evasion of the Vietnam War draft to his serial bankruptcies and business failures, his... more

Trump is exhibiting suicidal tendencies with his full-hearty & inevitably-to-be ill-fated government shutdown. The dumpster is in the last stages of his caligula-like rule! Brutus & Casius are waiting in the wings - Michael Flynn &... more

On the eve of a national election, it is well for us to stop for a moment and analyze calmly and without prejudice the effect on our Nation of a victory by either of the major political parties. The problem of the electorate is far deeper,... more

Pride goeth before the fall! Milton's paradise lost Welcome to Trump's Swamp Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha - Oh-La-La-La! Snide goeth before that mueller call! Hilton's array of sordid vice & Trump sinks into his swamp Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha -... more

The GOP are no better than Russian grave robbers. In Wisconsin, Michigan & North Carolina they attempted or are attempting to severely strip the power of the duly-elected democratic governor in those respective states. The GOP-dominant... more

Paul Manafort has forfeited his plea deal arrangement with Russia probe Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller. It seems that the Mueller team got fed up with all of the lying that lying Paul committed after agreeing to "tell all" truthfully after... more

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