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Welcome To RuFF-RydRR RADIO --- We Do 'Short' PODCASTS For Those Who DESPISE --- (1) TRUMP + (2) The 'Fetid' GOP + (3) The 'Grotesque' MAGA Nation!

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Trump/Trumpism is just like slavery - both are all-pervasive & horrifically insidious! Trump is ubiquitous - like the air we breathe. Unceasing, unrelenting & all-encroaching, like slavery was in the United States in the 1850's. Lincoln gave... more

No, He Wasn't Swashbuckling Erroll Flynn Or John Bon Jovi! No, He Wasn't Billy Dee Williams Or Even Bruce Springsteen! No, He Wasn't FDR, JFK, RFK, MLK, AOC, Or Even Eminem! But, He Did Show Up, He Spoke, He Answered & He... more

Robert Mueller will appear before Congress on July 24th to answer questions regarding the Russia probe his team took 22-months to undertake & complete. After all is said and done it really boils down to 3 questions to Mueller that will... more

I can't get no satisfaction Not even kellyanne conway action 'Cause I try and I try and I try and I try I can't get no, anybody have some blow When I'm lyin' in my car & Sean Hannity's on the radio He's tellin' me more and more About my... more

Jeffrey Epstein - the "serial" underage sex-trafficking scumbag - a good friend of Trump - owner of @ least 6 mansions around the hemisphere - was arrested in new jersey & quickly brought to the Metropolitan Corrections Center in... more

President "Biggie" Just Put On A Pygmy Parade On July 4th In Washington, D.C. 4 Tanks In His "Military" - aka "Skeleton" Parade! And, thank god we retook the "airports" back from the British in 1814. Oh, mommy, how embarrassing to lose... more

You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Beale! And, I won't have it! Is that clear! Do you think you merely stopped a business deal - That is not the case! The Arabs have taken billions of dollars out of this country - And now... more

For the mentally & emotionally-challenged - Modern life is a virtual impossibility - an inexorable & existential threat. For these so-affected souls - an interdimensional intervention is provided - In the person of Donald J. Trump -... more

And woe is us, we're in a lot of trouble! So, a rich little man with white hair died - What does that have to do with the price of rice, right? And why is that woe to us? Because, you people - And 62-million other Americans are listening to me, right... more

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