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Welcome To RuFF-RydRR RADIO --- We Do 'Short' PODCASTS For Those Who DESPISE --- (1) TRUMP + (2) The 'Fetid' GOP + (3) The 'Grotesque' MAGA Nation!

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Michael Cohen is going to prison for a very long time! Go ahead Michael, just get used to "bending over & grabbing your bony-assed ankles!" The FBI raided the dude today - Monday - April 9, 2017 - in his Manhattan (1) law offices - (2) his... more

The Trump Presidency is really just a re-run of the Series "Breaking Bad" Substitute "methamphetamines" with Trump's jackhammer "Impulse" aberrations - & voila! Trump is "free-basing" on alt-reality sources of information ---... more

OHOh Stormy!

WILL MUELLER PREVAIL - IN RUSSIA PROBE! ===================================== Will Special Prosecutor Bob Mueller Prevail Over Trump In The Russia Probe? Mueller Is An Ex-Marine... more

For eight years, Kazakhstan's BTA Bank has waged a legal war on three continents against former Chairman Mukhtar Ablyazov - over $4 billion in missing bank assets. Now, court cases playing out on both sides of the Atlantic... more

Donald Trump Is Running A ographic White House. With or without the Parade of " Stars" --- the whole thing is an exercise in outright ography. The tax bill passed by Congress this past December was an absolute obscenity --- a raw, naked... more

In the year 1990-1991 - John Gotti, the infamous New York Gambino crime family mob moss was "holed" up in Ten South, the high-security wing of the New York Metropolitan Correctional Center's - (In Lower Manhattan) most "secure" area. It... more

Charles Darwin is right --- those who fail to adapt --- perish!

With that clenched + jutting jaw --- America's "sweetheart", Kelly-Ann-Conway never fails to "confab" her way in front of the cameras to "soosh" away anything that festers within Trump World --------------------> It should be apparent that... more

John Dowd, Trump's Lead Personal Attorney Is A No-Go On Trump Appearing Before Special Counsel Robert Mueller For Questioning On The Russian Probe. It's A Slam-Dunk Bet That Dowd Knows His Client Can't Control His Tongue... more

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