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The mad doc is at it again ashe talks about the universal monsters with hs ghoulish co hosts the baron kaferstien and estaban von keyhole . so tune in to the show for a horrifying night with franky and drac!!!!

Three years ago on this sunday a disaster happened my guests bailed and my producer had to bail me out. I am glad it doesnt exist anymore lol. But i got better and 3 amazing co hosts later and we got a hell of a show here. so join us as... more

hey man listen to karl and steve as we get down with th post hard days night era to the early 70s mannn.

From 68 to xanadu the birth of the modern ratings system from it's start to the early 80a.

From Chiller theater to wrestling to radio, Chilly billy Cardillie was a part of the heart and soul of pittsburgh.so join us and our guests as we talk to them and read stories from you the fans as we celebrate the life and times of chilly billy!

ok 06 has been a bitch, so me and karl the king of kaefer will talk about these 3 important losses.

A Magical Mystery Tour through the vaults of Karl's Movie & Music Emporium, where we focus on the little known gems of cinema and song. Tonight we explore the orgins of the symbionic relationship rock and movies have had since their... more

from voyager to the newest movie listen in as we get to the end for now!

Join us as we talk about family oriented horror movies as we open up our lab for a frightingly gouhlish time!

From Star Tek the next geberation to deep space 9 we had a new penominon that created the 90s sci fi and syndication boom!

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