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Join us as we talk about the best in kids movies. from the time we grew up til now we talk about the best. So join us with the whole family!

With octobers new version of the rocky horror show the question comes up again does going mainstream kill any cult cred a artist has? So listen as we debate this along with the top 5 and other usual bits.

Jin us as we watch the haunted house classic the changeling so end your halloween week festivities with us whomever you arrree!

Join us tonight as the the crew and Mr Zach Zito talk about the art of story telling and being 2 Poe stories to life!

listen to us as we talk about our halloween memories!

Satire blsck comedy nostalgia all things that are part of what makes horror comedies good listen as we talk a out it and other things tonight on doc sludges house of horror.

jack chick was a narrow minded highly religious fanatic but he made some amazing comics so join us tonight as we talk about the man

new rocky horror adaption knoxville horror fest and rr hall of fame picks set the mood for ths hallowgeex episode

Join us this Tuesday and our special guest Bill Reynolds as we listen to and discuss our favorite soundtracks to underappreciated horror films. Get your tape recorders ready for some scary sounds!!!

1. alice cooper man behind the mask 2. greeeeen slimmmeeee richard Delvecciho 3. eggplant the ate chicago 4. ruby radio ad 5. aylmers tune zacherly 6. monsters rule O.K THE VIEWERS 7. thriller MJ 8. spooks a popin 9. halloween dead... more

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