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nowdays you barely seee any, but back in the day they were everywhere during the holidays.So join us as we talk about the good the bad and the stuff karl likes. With the box officw and weekly rips it seems.

Join us as we do part 2 of the epic monsterama and talk godzilla and other kaiju on this the 2nd day of december.

we willdiscuss the honest fact that the new hollywood movement didnt die it just mutated and r.i.ps to friz weaver and ron glass.

Listen to us as we explore the black hole of fandom spaghetti westerns! From django to the 2 sergios and a insane amount of others with mike hauus and noted film historian troy howarth.So tune in and enjoy as we talk about the good... more

Join us as we talk about thanksgiving movies and specials and just enjoy each others company for a hour then the ultimate thanksgiving song ever!!!

Join us as we celebrate the holidays with the holiday classic blood freak. o join us as we praise the lord with ths evangelical classic.

With a cast like Laurence fishburne, Jeff Goldblum and Clarence Williams the third you ould expect it to be well known and loed at the least. But it was a big flop and fell flat on its ass at the box office and is widely forgotten now days.... more

join us as we talk about the rest of the year of sci fi with captain vicki love nd her crew

From the time karl seen mcabe and mrs miler to me seeing closing time on much music this man has been a large part of ourmusical soul. if you don't know him you know his songs. So join us as we give all the love we can to the... more

Join me as we clebrate the birthday of the most populat japanese actor ever!

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