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Join me Vicki Love the mistress of sci-fi as we celebrate thehalowwen holidays with all the sci fi horror you can stomach! And with sci fi news and my talking bout michelle Brauchman!

. Myths...Legends...Religion...horror. Join us Tuesday as Steven and I discuss folk horror movies from The Golem to The Witch. Well also discuss some Urban Legends and their connection to folk tales...

Ok boys and ghouls now that the 80s are bagged tagged and processed its time to move on to the 90's,Before this s over we will covef all of the 90s so enjoy this halloween special.

Why is it that cosplayers spend months and sometimes yeas on what can be called works of art. Join me steve and cosplay fan and cosplayer byron hughley as we talk about all this and more!

A wealth of riches have been sent down to bless us horror fans in knoxville this ocotober. With 1 The world premire of Will Almans THERES SOMETHING IN THE WOODS! And the day before the fest KNOXFERATU!!! A night of silent... more

1 halloween the misfts 2 monster mash 3 psycho 4 phase 4 ad 5 hell 6 dead 7 dead mans party 8 spirits of the dead ad 9 bloodrock doa 10 creature from the black lagoon 11 creature stole my surfboard 12 creature from the black lake... more

Collectng the drug we are all addicted to is what we are tlking sbout. from records to dvds wetalk about why we love collectng! plus with my personal updates so join me doc sludge and steve and karl for the fun!

H G lewis was a pioneer in movies and marketing so when he died n monday it was sad for all of us drive in geeks. So join us as we talk sbout band

Monolouges those little speeches that can make or kill a movie! join karl and steve as we talk about the most bloved to us at least of that artform.

All co-hosts choose their 21st century best and worst in these 3 categories: Dystopian Scifi, Hard Scifi, Animated Scifi films. Plus I will do some planetary science in the news and the Top Box Office.

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