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Popular in Religion

  • 01:26

    WITHOUT PURSE OR SCRIPT Part 2, Chapter 6 of The Church and The Gospel

    in Religion

    WITHOUT PURSE OR SCRIPT, Chapter 6 of The Church and The Gospel
    Pages 62 to 82
    The Lord’s Missionary System
    The Lord had a special program for missionary work-it was for His servants to devote full time to the spiritual call of preaching the Gospel. The manner He prescribed was to go without purse or scrip, meaning they were not to take a wallet or money (or credit cards) with them. It was a very unusual system by worldly standards, but one that certainly promoted faith and humility.

  • 02:28

    Europe Uncivilized Hominid-Gays Invades The West & Used Diseases on People.

    in Religion

    The Indigenous Holocaust, 1492-Present David Michael Smith University of Houston-Downtown
    During the past century, researchers have learned a great deal about the nature and scope of what Russell Thornton has called the demographic collapse of the Indigenous population in the Western Hemisphere after 1492.1 As David Stannard has explained, the almost inconceivable number of deaths caused by the invasion and conquest of these lands by Europeans and their descendants constitute “the worst human holocaust the world had ever witnessed.”2Europe Uncivilized Hominid-Gays Invades The West & Used Diseases on Hybrid People. Moreover, such removals and relocations destroyed Indigenous people’s ways of life, which resulted in substantial additional loss of life.49 Other devastating assaults on these ways of life included the Spanish missions in California, Florida, and Texas; the U.S. government’s attempts to make Plains Indians into cattle ranchers and southern Indians into American farmers…efforts by churches and governments to undermine Indian religious, governmental, and kinship systems… the often-deliberate destructions of flora and fauna that American Indians used for food and other purposes…the near extinction of the buffalo.
    Be remined that world history began on Earth; 445,000 B.C.E years ago. That was the first twenty-four hour day, which began the first of seven days that formed, the solar calendar week of a four week month. The Anunnaki gods Elohim astronauts of Nibiru Planet, set up the calendar. Only the uncivilized Hominid-Primates Ape Species, was then on Earth, on the date stated above gods advent on Earth. Be sure to note, no human being was created on Earthon that date!    

  • 01:29

    Resist the temptation to covet

    in Religion

    Host: Evang Rosie                                                          Brother Epps                                   Brother Shauntae
                                                                                           Sister Christine                                 Sister Denice
                                                                                           Sister Mary                                       Sister Andria
    Brother Shawntae 25: 18-34            Brother Robert: Genesis: 27: 1-6          Sister Christine: Genesis 27: 7- 15           Andria: Genesis 27: 16- 25
    Sister Denice: Genesis 27: 26- 35      Sister Mary: Genesis 27: 36-46      Evang Rosie: Genesis: 32: 1-10          Brother Eppe: Genesis 32: 11-15
    Sister Christine: Genesis 32: 16- 32      Summary is a tag team: Genesis 25: 18-34/  27: 26-35 ( Sister Mary)  and (Genesis 27: 26-46/ Gen. 32: 16-20 Sister Andria)

  • 02:57

    NFI Radio Gospel Network Raleigh NC Thursday July 18 2024. 11:00AM TIL 2:00PM

    in Religion

    Thursday July 18, 2024 LIVE 11:00am til 2:00pm it's NFI Radio Host The Anointed One with the very best in Quartet and Contemporary Gospel music. And later this afternoon from 12:30pm til 1:00pm LIVE it's 30 Minute Power of Prayer request hotline with one of NFI Intercessory Prayer Warrior. Join Reverend Frances Good Holloway as she Intercede for you and this Nation, to listen by phone call 563 999 3020 or our website NFIradio.com and if you desire private prayer call our 24 hour hotline at 984 733 3977 also today at 1:00pm til 1:30pm LIVE it's Pastor Gladys Smith and Apostle Barbara Watkins of the Christian Life Church 6762 Hi-Way 56 West Franklinton North Carolina, radio broadcast. Followed by more gospel music til 8:00pm tonight, catch the WAVE.

  • 00:29

    Do Yourself No Harm!!

    in Religion

    Join Me (Prophetess Stacy) 7/8
    On Prolific Fire ??
    MSG: Do Yourself No Harm!!
    No matter WHAT has gone wrong or HOW MUCH has gone wrong... Harming yourself is NOT the answer!!
    God's compassions (plural) for you are NEW every morning (Lam 3:22-23 NIV); designed specifically for days like today, tomorrow, next week, next month etc.
    MON. NIGHT 10EST 9CST 7PST Log On Or Call 347-426-3782 

  • 00:30

    The presence and power of Jesus Christ in the time of a setback

    in Religion

    What is drug addiction in the light of spirituality? Is there actually power of deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ and if so, is it possible for one to be delivered and then relapse ?
    please join us tonight as we discussed this Very powerful topic that has widespread implementations all over the world ... please join us with your host Prophet Wiley, as we enter the spiritual

  • 00:59

    The Revelation of Jesus with Rick Sterling~

    in Religion

    The Revelation of Jesus with Rick Sterling is a podcast that is not for the faint of heart. It concerns learning the truth. In order to learn the truth, you must understand the four stages of learning. They are as follows.
    Stage 1 - "Unconscious Incompetence" - If you desire to find the truth about anything, inluding salvation and eternal life, you must first realize that with out doubt YOU HAVE BEEN FOOLED, recognize that you don't know that you have been fooled, and you have been fooled (and this includes everyone that lives on earth) into believing a lie as if it is the truth. Everyone that believes that they already have all the truth they need know to enter the Kingdom of God, without doubt have not. Most Christians sincerely believe that the Bible is the inerrent, undisputed, and undeniable Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation. It is when they realize that this is not true that they can move to the next stage.
    Stage 2 - "Conscious Incompetence" - When you have acknowledged that you don't have all the truth it is only then that you can start replacing the lies you have been taught from birth, with the Truth From Above. In order to begin that process you must first learn where to find the truth. The Bible contains truth, but the Bible in and of itself is not truth. It is the word of God to His prophet in the Old Testament, and the Words of Jesus in the New Testament that ate Truth. (Matt. 5: 17, Rev. 12: 17) "
    Stage 3 - "Conscious Competence" - Now comes the most difficult part, because in this stage you must actively exchange the words that you once believed to be true, by learning and practicing the words of Jesus that he spoke to His own eyewitness disciples. (John 17)
    Stage 4 - "Conscious Competence" - You know the truth. (John 14:10, 15-17, John 8:31-32, John 17:17)

  • 02:38

    Live Service, Pastor Renee' J. Jenkins

    in Religion

    The Church of God, 116 South Wayne Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43204

  • 01:00

    Apostle Margie Mercer August 11th, 2024 at 7 PM EST

    in Religion

    Apostle Margie Mercer August 11th, 2024 at 7 PM EST

  • 00:31

    The LRCM Broadcast w/Dr Lillie

    in Religion

    Our Show/Broadcast will be on, The “OF GOD” SERIES (cont.) and The “Passion” Of God, toward his people,   Part IIIb:  Our Passion for God w/The Holy Spirit's Enablement.
    Host, Dr Lillie M. Robinson-Condeso 
    Guest call in #:   1(319) 527-6788  
    And for Prayer And Prophetic Counseling, Call:                       
     Telephone: 305-917-5223   /   Email: drlillie@yahoo.com 

  • 00:34

    Thanksgiving and Prayer

    in Religion

    Hello Friends! Where would we ALL be without God's Grace? I know that if I had not been encountering God's Grace through my circumstances that I would not be where I am at today in my journey wlaking in the Calling of God on my life. WE must learn to walk in the Authority of God in a greater measure than what we have been. The enemy is ruthless, but nevertheless.....God in us is GREATER! You just have to make your mind that you are not going to be distracted but that you are going to walk in your Authority that God has given you. Holy Spirit will help you navigate through the worst situations if you ask Him. You were created to LIVE VICTORIOUSLY!!!

About Religion

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