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Popular in Prayer

  • 00:31

    911 CALL We will Pray for favor of God, FOR U & FAMILY, FRIENDS, SCHOOL, OFFICER

    in Prayer

    NEED PRAYER    CALL There is Power in Prayer.  Pastor/Chaplain Fran is a pioneer in Blogtalkradio for over 20 years and has been lead to come back to blogtalkradio to pray for the nations in this season and time.
    Pray with each other, For each other and for Love ones Focus on Your Emotional and Physical Needs as a Couple, as a family. ... aka Touch and Kiss daily, spontaneously and repeatedly when challenges arise Attitude is Everything. ...  Communicate, Communicate, Communicate! ... Be concern about one another responsabilites, day and goals Develop a Strong Foundation of Trust. ...Reassure the Love, keep spark of loving each other active  Don't be too Proud to Ask for Advice or Forgiveness. Speak words of encouragement and intentions of the heart  

  • 00:53

    Pastor Beatrice Smith and the Full Gospel House of Prayer family

    in Prayer

    9-17-24  Intercessory Prayer for all of The Most High God. Join us at 7 PM California time and 9 PM Eastern standard time at (515) 602-9797 to be connected with Pastor Beatrice Smith and the Full Gospel House of Prayer family bringing Glory and Praise to the Throne of God through Intercessory prayer. Live from Sacramento California. If you are in need of Healing, Deliverance or Prayer this is where you will want to be every Tuesday night.

  • 00:25

    Prophetic Prayer

    in Prayer

    Ephesians 6:18
    18 With all prayer and petition pray [with specific requests] at all times [on every occasion and in every season] in the Spirit, and with this in view, stay alert with all perseverance and petition [interceding in prayer] for all God’s people.
    Mandate for intercessors on the wall to come together to lift our voices into the realms of heaven Intercessory Teaching Intercessory Gatherings