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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

On-Demand Episodes

The Lord’s Night Visits >> You will likely find that the Lord is much more active in our lives during the night seasons than during the day. There are several reasons for this: 1) Our body is less active, which lessens its demand for attention... more

Overcoming Our Enemies: The first step in overcoming our enemies (the world, our flesh and the devil) is to learn to expose, or uncover them. May Christians find this one of the hardest aspects of the healing process because it takes a level... more

Relinquishing Our Rights: Here's How! >> Though this will usually continue throughout our lifetime, there is an opportunity during the breaking process to commit our selves entirely into the hands of the Lord by relinquishing our rights... more

Wanna Argue? You've Come to the WRONG Place! Bottom Line: You Need To Hear from God for YOURSELF! Also, TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 15]: "Summarizing Malachi: The Lord's Charges Against Israel." So many are... more

The Lord's Night Visits: Communing with the Lord & Visiting with the Lord

Overcomers Learn... continued; Exposing Our Enemies

Relinquishing Our Rights

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 14]: "Malachi: In Plain English." So many are struggling with finances, yet they often feel pressured to tithe. Be open to consider what the scriptures REALLY say about tithing, and who should be doing it [hint:... more

Supernatural Experiences: The Lord's Visits (continued); The Lord's Night Visits

Overcomers Learn... continued; Exposing Our Enemies
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