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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

On-Demand Episodes

Relinquishing Our Rights: Evidence that God has Relieved You of Your Rights

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 17]: "THE TRANSITION ("New Testament," Pre-Resurrection of Chrust, Under Law) What Did Jesus Say About Tithing? The Pharisees' Motives >> Visit http://www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for... more

“8 Steps to Engaging the Supernatural” Over time you will find it likely that He will begin to share His purposes and plans, what He is doing through you, not so that you can take on the work, but so you can rejoice with Him as He does the... more

Jesus Overcame the World >> How Do We Overcome the World? >> Suggestions for overcoming the world.

Relinquishing Our Rights: How Do We Give Up Our Rights? >> Before we get into the specific steps we can take, here are a few reminders to encourage us along the way: First, remember that who you truly are, a spirit, has already... more

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 16]: "Summarizing Malachi: Exposing Our Motives for Tithing & Summary of Additions to the Law of Moses." >> Visit http://www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article.

“8 Steps to Engaging the Supernatural”

Overcoming the World: If we want to receive healing and learn to live in His fullness we will have to learn to recognize and overcome the world. What we’re talking about here is not the planet we live on, but actually a world system. We... more

What If We Don't Relinquish Our Rights? The consequences of refusing to relinquish our rights will be unique in every situation, but will fall into one of these broad categories: 1) Things will get worse. 2) Things will get better. 3) Things... more

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 15]: "Summarizing Malachi: The Lord's List of Charges Against Israel." >> So many are struggling with finances, yet they often feel pressured to tithe. Be open to consider what the scriptures REALLY say... more
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