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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

On-Demand Episodes

General Supernatural Manifestations; Warfare with the Demonic; Witness of the Spirit; Receiving Supernatural Experiences; Responding to Supernatural Experiences [Series Conclusion: Please visit www.wecanprepare.org and sign up... more

Overcoming the World System: With the confidence of knowing who and what we are will also come a separation from those who would try to control us. Therefore we must also count the cost of our identity, and understand that with our new... more

Relinquishing Our Rights: Evidence that God has Relieved You of Your Rights [Series Conclusion: Please visit www.wecanprepare.org and sign up for updates as to where we go from here. Tune in on Saturdays at 9am & thanks for... more

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 19]: "The Fulness of Times: GRACE! (New Testament, Post-Resurrection, Under Grace)" >> Visit http://www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article.

General Supernatural Manifestations

[NOTE: HIGH INTERFERENCE] Overcoming the World System: We overcome our physical and financial needs, we overcome time; Hindrances to Overcoming the World

Relinquishing Our Rights: Evidence that God has Relieved You of Your Rights, What Does Depending On God Look Like?

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 18]: "THE TRANSITION ("New Testament," Pre-Resurrection of Chrust, Under Law) What Did Jesus Say About Tithing? The Pharisees' Motives, The Pharisees' Self-Righteousness >> Visit... more

Regarding the Personal Presence of God; General Supernatural Manifestations

Overcoming the World System: With the confidence of knowing who and what we are will also come a separation from those who would try to control us. Therefore we must also count the cost of our identity, and understand that with our new... more
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