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www.TheReignersClub.org Practical Training for Joint-Heirs with Christ. * To Hear His Voice. * To Rule and To Reign * To Mentor Others. Emphasis is on healing and learning how to know God on His terms. Subscribe to iTunes for podcast delivery.

On-Demand Episodes

CURRENT EVENTS: "What Is Your Assignment?" & TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 39]: "CONSEQUENCES: Believers Not Learning How to Hear the Lord" Visit www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 38]: > Visit www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 37]: > Visit www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 36]: > Visit http://www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 35]: "Where Are We Now?" continued >> Visit http://www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 34]: "Where Are We Now?">> Visit http://www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 33]: "Review of Various topics including dealing with today's stresses and not blaming others for our situaitons; how we regard our finances is often an indication of what we value; assumptions about giving/gifts... more

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 32]: "Review of Tithing vs. Giving throughout Scriptures" & "Where Are We Now?">> Visit http://www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 31]: "Review of Tithing vs. Giving throughout Scriptures" & "Where Are We Now?">> Visit http://www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article

TITHING vs. GIVING Series [Part 30]: "Review of Tithing vs. Giving throughout Scriptures" & "Where Are We Now?">> Visit http://www.diannethomas.org/tithingvsgiving.pdf for full-length article.
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