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Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval


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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY

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Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! Blake K Healy is the director of the Bethel Atlanta School of Supernatural Ministry and part of the leadership team at Bethel Atlanta Church. He travels to churches and conferences across the... more

Check us out at www.brideministriesinternational.com! This week on Discovering Truth, Jan is back for round 3. As a survivor of satanic ritual abuse and government sponsored mind control projects, she is stepping forward to tell her... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! This week on Discovering Truth Dan Duval brings on Dr. Dave Orrison. He has been a pastor for over 30 years and is now the Executive Director of "Grace for the Heart," a ministry... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval, KC is back for the 10th installment of her testimony. KC worked with Dan Duval over a period of time to receive inner healing and deliverance from a... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! Dr. Ron Horner is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval to continue talking about the Courts of Heaven. He is an expert on the subject, having penned ten separate books on the... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week on Discovering Truth, prepare to meet a new personality. Her name is Jessica, and she is on a journey to overcome incredible bondage with the power of Jesus Christ. She joins Dan... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! Kay Tolman joins Dan Duval again for an incredible interview. In this podcast, the focus moves to her ministry and the many things she has learned along the way. As the author of the book "Moved with... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com. Dan Duval gears up for another solo run on Discovering theTruth. In this episode, Dan gets into what happens to be on his heart, and as usual goes overboard. He begins by discussing that this is... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! In 2018 Dan Duval was invited to speak in Louisiana by Only Believe Ministry. This ministry is overseen by Willie Richmond. The meeting was called The Mandate for your City Conference. The focus was... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com. Jan is back on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval. In this episode she continue where she left off, telling about her journey to healing. In this program she gets into split brain programming and the... more

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