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Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval


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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY

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Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! Alex is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval for a third round. In his first two appearances, Alex disclosed his testimony and how he got saved after a life of trauma, drug abuse, and occult... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! The official story is that Jeffrey Epstein was taken off of suicide watch at the prison he was being held at. Then, he successfully commits suicide. Around the world everyone is asking the... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! This week on Discovering Truth, Dan Duval is joined by his wife Christian to discuss her journey over the past couple years since they have been married. Christian carries a mantle for... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! This week on Discovering Truth you will hear Dan get interviewed by the hosts of Kingdom Talks. In this interview, Dan Duval gets into territorial spirits and how renouncing them affects... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! Todd Weatherly is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval to release a recent revelation that has been securing breakthrough for many people. This program will unveil the operations... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval, Hope is back to discuss her NASA programming. Hope is a survivor of Illuminati programming with an incredible story, as she continues to... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! This week on Discovering Truth, Jan is back for the telling of part 4 of her testimony. She is a survivor of SRA and government sponsored mind control and has an incredible story to share. In this... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! Dr. Ron Horner is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval to discuss how to engage with the courts of heaven for regional work. He is the author of 11 books on the courts of heaven... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! At BRIDE Ministries we are now hosting semi-annual conferences. This past spring, the BRIDE Tribe Advance, which was the name of our conference, was absolutely incredible. People... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! Steve Harmon makes his way back on to Discovering Truth with Dan Duval to get into a deep dive with Dan Duval on a breadth of subjects. In this episode, Steve and Dan talk about the... more

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