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Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval


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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY

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Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval you will meet Bishop Hugh Smith who is both a friend and a mentor to Dan Duval. They get together to discuss what governance is, and how it relates to... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week's podcast comes with a TRIGGER WARNING. Chaurisse is back and continuing her testimony of surviving programming through the Freemasonry lodge. This week she will go into near... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval you will be able to enjoy the final sermon of the BRIDE Ministries Fall Advance of 2019. In this epic sermon, Dan Duval breaks down the metanarrative... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! Sickness and Disease cause great pain and heartache all across the earth. While we in the body of Christ know that Jesus died for our sicknesses and diseases, many Christians still battle autoimmune... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! Many people that are battling ongoing witchcraft and curses, even after turning their lives over to Jesus Christ, have connections to Freemasonry in their backgrounds. Why is this the case? Some... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! Dan Duval's highly anticipated book in in the process of being released. It is called Advanced Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth and is a followup to Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth. This... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week on Discovering Truth Dan Duval gets into a second round of conversation with Dr. Gayle Rogers. She is a specialist in PTSD and sexual abuse trauma among other things and has... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! At the BRIDE Ministries Church, Daniel has been taking people through a series called Exposing Kabbalah. As part of that series it became necessary to clarify what it means to be Jewish, and how the... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval get ready for a deep dive into an exposure of the Rothschild Banking system. Who are the Rothschilds and where do they come from? Why... more

Visit us at www.brideministriesinternational.com! This week on Discovering Truth Dan Duval you will meet Aprile Osborne. She has been involved in ministry from a young age and traveled and ministers with Dr. Norvel Hayes. She has worked... more

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