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Discovering Truth w Dan Duval

Discovering Truth with Dan Duval


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Daniel Duval shares current events, teachings, and information from relevant guests on a Christ centered talk radio program. RSSVERIFY

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Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! Get ready for another edgy week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval. You are going to meet Lisa Gray, author and counselor, who joins us to walk through her journey of learning that her... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! Since many believers do not even know what Kabbalah is, they neither know what its beliefs are nor how to identify where its influence has poisoned the waters in the body of Christ. Kabbalah... more

This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval get ready to meet Joshua Travers, who is the founder of Saved in America. Every year, thousands of children are abducted, manipulated, and controlled into child trafficking. For... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week you will experience the first Christian Business Podcast on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval. Christian Duval, Dan's wife, will be the host of this monthly podcast that will address business,... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! Chaurisse is back on Discovering Truth to continue sharing her incredible story of survival. She was abused and traumatized terribly at the hands of Freemasons and has the guts to talk about it. In this... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! It is the second week of the New Year, and KC is back on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval for one final program. In Story Time with KC the Final Chapter, Dan Duval and KC get into subjects... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! Welcome to 2020. It's the New Year, and Dan Duval begins the podcast with a slew of updates as the platform of BRIDE Ministries International continues to expand. The Exposing Kabbalah message... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week Dan Duval is joined by Adam F Thompson. He has a remarkable grace to interpret dreams, move in the Word of knowledge and demonstrate the prophetic. Supernatural signs and... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week Daryl and Dan get together to discuss a prophetic perspective of 2020 and beyond. As the year is drawing to a close many of us are asking, "What is God doing in this upcoming season?" As... more

Visit us at www.bridemovement.com! This week on Discovering Truth with Dan Duval prepare to meet Christopher Bollyn. He is a journalist, researcher, and 9/11 truther who has done deep research into subjects such as the Middle East, The... more

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