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This is a short update on the latest news and the intensification of WAR in the Middle East. People are feeling that something is not right, that something is coming very soon. Trump & the Military, Police and ICE line up for the law and... more

Congress passes a no fly zone for Syria, another step towards WAR, Libya falls into line with Bible prophecy, Electoral recount not what it seems, shootings for gun control, Obama said a number of times he is not leaving office in coded... more

Trump is under heavy attack after he dressed them down for being told that are all liars at a meeting, but watch what Trump actually does from now on. Does he rescind NDAA 2016? Does he DECREASE the move towards a police state?... more

Russia sinks American warship, damages others in possible fake news.... The toppling of the American way of life has begun, with people like Soros and Clinton stirring up trouble and chaos. The Masonic motto is Ordo Ab Chao and it... more

They say nothing happens of consequence unless it was designed that way - and insiders are saying that Trump was selected to win in 2013 by Mystery but is it true? If so, then Trump, the name of the Joker Card, has all been staged for the... more

As Trump begins to select his transition team, rumors of attempts to stop him cold emerge into the open as Soros attempts treason by paying people to rise up and cause violence across iAmerica and against America, an act of treason.... more

The conservatives in America, the SILENT ONES, decided to not be so silent in this presidential election thinking that A MAN can solve the problems in America which have become so entrenched, and so systemic that it would be difficult for... more

We are at the crossroads, with the year 5777 and five being the number for GRACE, and SEVEN BEING COMPLETE. There are major signs coming in 5777, and Donald Trump, THE LAST TRUMP, takes office (in theory), January... more

As I woke up this morning I had a great unease as to last night's win for Donald Trump - that there is more to this than meets the eye, that the Lord has a plan, and it is not what the American people think it might be. I remembered how the... more

Do enough Americans care to change the evil matrix they are in, or are they too dumbed down, too lazy or to indifferent too care? One would think that with all of the exposure that there would be a hue and cry over the FBI's latest... more

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