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Russia sinks American warship, damages others in possible fake news.... The toppling of the American way of life has begun, with people like Soros and Clinton stirring up trouble and chaos. The Masonic motto is Ordo Ab Chao and it appears the final phase of the confusion mentioned in the bots will lead to terror attacks in many major cities. The FBI has issued a terrorist warning for Thanksgiving. The Bible's Isaiah says that it begins in the cities as the rich men attempt to bring America down. Cop killings are increasing, and now death threats to our electors too the electoral college are happening, Hillary is demanding they change their votes to Hillary Clinton. Meanwhile the UN is slowly building their troops in Syria, and the UN is an enemy of Israel. Signs, signs, everywhere SIGNS THAT THE END IS FAST APPROACHING... BBC via Brice Norton RAF on YouTube says Russia attacked US Navy ships, sunk one with great loss of life, news shutdown, unverified, could be totally fake news...