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We are at the crossroads, with the year 5777 and five being the number for GRACE, and SEVEN BEING COMPLETE. There are major signs coming in 5777, and Donald Trump, THE LAST TRUMP, takes office (in theory), January 2017, a NEW BEGINNING. Already the Sanhedrin has asked TRUMP and PUTIN to allow the THIRD TEMPLE to be built. It is not all coincidence, but rather the perfection of timing. During what is known as the CHURCH AGE, or AGE OF GRACE, as outlined in Revelation 2 & 3, appears to be OVER and the DOOR IS SHUT. The elite are pulling out all the plugs to keep Trump out of the White House. People who claim that the Lord has told them Trump will take office insist it is from the Lord, a "thus saith the Lord". Others say that Trump will not ever be allowed to take office, and that also said "thus saith the Lord", so obviously one of them is NOT from the Lord. UPDATE with Stewart and Larry with a special guest who saw and photographed a UFO landing!!!