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Bible Codes, Wild Cards, Trumps Future, War In Mystery, Get Ready For Weird

  • Broadcast in Paranormal
Night Shadows

Night Shadows


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They say nothing happens of consequence unless it was designed that way - and insiders are saying that Trump was selected to win in 2013 by Mystery but is it true? If so, then Trump, the name of the Joker Card, has all been staged for the American people, but for what end?  That does not mean that the Lord is not behind Trump for both can be true, as the Lord has a plan for America's demise, and do not forget Jade Helm, FEMA Camps (Hillary's Joy Camps), and the possibility of an OVERTHROW of the USA via economics, false flags, electoral change, or a surprise of some kind, such as a FAKE ARRIVAL?  The New World Order, if Trump is for real, will attempt every means possible to stop him from ever taking office. That event would cause total chaos in America, the final card FOR THE TAKE-OVER, Ordo Ab Chao goes real!!! A second war of the Harvest Moon may be all too real - tune in tonight!!!

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