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Welcome To RuFF-RydRR RADIO --- We Do 'Short' PODCASTS For Those Who DESPISE --- (1) TRUMP + (2) The 'Fetid' GOP + (3) The 'Grotesque' MAGA Nation!

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We'll be marching in the streets With shit-kickers on our feet Men with no morals who'd crucify Jesus Are the men who spurn on us Sit in judgement of all that's wrong They decide as their shotgun sings the song Tip my hat to trump... more

okay, sports fans, monday - dec. 19th is the "big day". yes, all of those electoral college electors (all 538 of them) --- will be gathering at their various respective state capitols to cast their votes for EITHER Hillary Clinton Or Donald Trump.... more

No, Hillary Has Now Compiled Nearly A 2.7-MILLION Vote Lead In The POPULAR Vote ----> She Has A 48.2% To 46.2% Lead There Are 8 Electoral Votes That Are Indicating They WILL NOT "Endorse Trump Trump Has 306... more

Debra Messing Has No Problem With Folks Voting For A Different View Point Or Candidate! She Does Have A Problem With Voters Who Knowingly + Willingly Embrace A Candidate Who Is Blatantly Racist, Misogynist, Xenophobic!

Trump Was "Bailed" Out So Many Times Early On In His So-Called "Business" Career -----> He Would've Been Ruined Several Time Over Or MORE! Thanks To His "Old Man", FRED, Trump Survived Fuck-Up After Fuck-Up, Beginning... more

This flag held high! Our Sphincters tightly closed! The SS marches with quiet, goose-steps. Comrades shot by Blue State counter-revolutionaries March in spirit inside of all our ranks. Comrades shot by Blue State reactionaries March in spirit... more

Dispatches from Trump's bunker becoming Felliniesque. Reminds me of the unbridled joy I took in reading those late stories about Mitt Romney's absolute denial that he was about to be beaten like a half-starved rented mule. - The... more

One Thing To Remember, Folks, It's ALL About The ?GOTV? — Get-Out-The-Vote. In States That Are ?Toss-Ups? — The Campaign With The Superior GOTV Apparatus Is Usually The One That ?Prevails?. Trump... more

I see a red door and I want it painted black No colors anymore, I want them to turn black I see Hillary pass by dressed in her summer clothes I have to turn my head until my snarkiness goes I see a line of cars and they're all painted... more

Humpty Trumpty sat on a wall, A wall he wanted built beyond ALL But Humpty Trumpty had a great fall, & All Roger Aile's horses & all Steve Bannon's men Couldn't put Trumpty back together again. Meanwhile, Humpty Dumpty sat on... more

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