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Welcome To RuFF-RydRR RADIO --- We Do 'Short' PODCASTS For Those Who DESPISE --- (1) TRUMP + (2) The 'Fetid' GOP + (3) The 'Grotesque' MAGA Nation!

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You Know You Have A Problem When Conservative GOP Congressman Darryl Issa Is Calling For A Special Prosecutor To Look Into Trump's Ties With Russia And Russia Intelligence Operatives. This Is The Same GOP Congressman... more

Donald Trump keeps saying that he has nothing to do with the Russians. Most recently, he made this claim in his White House press conference last week: ?I can tell you, speaking for myself, I own nothing in Russia. I have no loans in... more

Flynn, forced to resign this week over his failure to disclose phone conversations with Russian ambassador about U.S. sanctions imposed on Moscow. Trump's long-standing ties to Russia might explain why his policy is ?noticeably weaker... more

Trump Gets "Stuffed" By The District Court (Seattle) And By The 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals (San Francisco). "3rd" Time (Supreme Court) Is The Charm! ----> And The "Supremes" Aren't Likely To OVERTURN A Legitimate "Stay" Of... more

FEB 17 – NATIONAL GENERAL STRIKE How To Participate We encourage all who are able to demonstrate their resistance in any of the following ways. Do not work (if possible). Post your support on social media. Do not... more

Saturday, Pres. Donald Trump announced that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs and the national director of intelligence will no longer be included in all meetings of the National Security Council (NSC)'s principals committee. However, the... more

Friedrich Trump left Germany at age 16 and arrived in New York but soon migrated out west in search of riches. The gold fever carried him to Bennet, British Columbia-Canada, where, along w/business partner, Ernest Levin, they... more

Donald Trump Is Putin --- Turned "Inside Out". What's Good For Putin Will Be Good For Trump + Vice-Versa. Everything Is "On The Table" ---- NATO, European Union, Arctic Oil Drilling, Downplaying Russian Hacking In U.S.... more

The Rude Pundit Proudly lowering the level of political discourse 1/06/2017 Fuck You, Rural Elitists Yesterday, an opinion piece in the New York Times started this way: "One recent morning, I sat near two young men at a coffee shop... more

Greetings, AmeriKa - yes, you're stuck with me - i'm like the flu - it'll work itself out - get plenty of bed rest, suck down lots of chickie-soup - turn off your mind - turn on your neighbor - turn away from reality & just suspend your mind for... more

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