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Welcome To RuFF-RydRR RADIO --- We Do 'Short' PODCASTS For Those Who DESPISE --- (1) TRUMP + (2) The 'Fetid' GOP + (3) The 'Grotesque' MAGA Nation!

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Frances - a former Face Book employer - a Content manager for Face Book - explained in her congressional testimony today - (10-5-21) - how Face Book allows for harmful content to be spewed out into society - in the service of... more

GOP Pollster ---> Carter Wren --> Recent Poll Results Show Trump's Support Among GOP-ers Is @ An Anemic --> 26%

Trump MAGA-A-Holes ---> Your King + "Lord" Will Be Hoisted UP On His Own PETARD ---> VERY, VERY, VERY SOON! . President Joe Biden WILL RELEASE All Documents Regarding The January-6th White-House... more

Donald Trump Will Be one of the world's Greatest pariahs --- for all eternity. . Those who voted for him are not far behind --- they need to "wash" their hands of him or be forever stained themselves!

Saturday's Jan. 6th commemoration @ our nation's Capitol was a resounding "thud"!

The elephant in the room is the GOP - the GOP is a cancerous tumor.


Conservatives are the real enemy of AMERICA!!!

Trump - everything woke turns to shit.

Trump - via his secretary of state - Mike Pompeo --> reached a deal with the Taluban in Feb.-2020 --> which set the date for U.S. withdrawal of all troops from Afghanistan by May 1, 2021. Joe Biden was left with this faith accompli ---> This... more

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