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Welcome To RuFF-RydRR RADIO --- We Do 'Short' PODCASTS For Those Who DESPISE --- (1) TRUMP + (2) The 'Fetid' GOP + (3) The 'Grotesque' MAGA Nation!

On-Demand Episodes

Flush your 'guilt' down the toilet 🚻

Say GoodBye To The 'Degenerate' GOP!

Trump Sh*t-Show Just --> About OVER!!! INDICTMENTS!!!!!!!

Trump - The ULTIMATE Authoritarian - Will Single-Handedly --> SINK --> The ENTIRE --> GOP

Today's GOP --> IS The Direct 'Descendant' Of The Old CONFEDERACY!

GA social grand jury will be Trump's legal ---> 'coffin'

Supreme Court paves the way for the House Select Jan.-6th Committe to finely get their hands on the 'internal' Trump White-House Jan.-6th documents!

The Right-Wing In America Has Been On A Rampage Since The Election Of Barak Obama In 2008!

Trump Will Be INDICTED for his Nov./Dec.-2020 Post-Election Interference/Chicanery In Georgia!

Trump's cancellation of his Jan. 6 "Presser" Is A Clear Signal That - For Donald Trump --> It's ALL Downhill --> From Here On In!!

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