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This show discusses the social implications of various security technologies.

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About Stealth-ISS Group® Inc.: We act as your extended IT, cybersecurity, risk and compliance team and provides strategic guidance, engineering and audit services, along with technical remediation and security operations. We pride... more

About TDI: Tetrad Digital Integrity (TDI) has developed CnSight is an automated, lightweight, executive level dashboard that increases cybersecurity efficiency and reduces organizational risk through continuous KPI visibility. This powerful... more

About 2Secure: Current attacks can't be detected by standard tools like Antivirus and SIEM, as those new attacks are using ?Living off the Land? or the use of ?Automated compromise followed by human-led farming? attacks technics to... more

About KAMIND IT: KAMIND IT Is a Full-Service Cybersecurity Firm and Microsoft Tier One Gold Partner That Works to Assist Organizations to Stay Protected Against Cybercriminals. With The Use of Technology, Finding The Right Mixture... more

JupiterOne is the security product that is changing how organizations manage their cloud-based infrastructure. Within minutes, security teams using JupiterOne can become more efficient and impactful by centralizing the data from dozens... more

Eric Pinto, the Senior Director of Channel for SOCSoter sits with us to discuss the effort to bring enterprise-level protection to small and medium businesses through the MSP channel. Eric Pinto has spent the bulk of his career cultivating... more

Greg Johnson, CEO: Greg Johnson is the CEO of the penetration test company, Webcheck Security. Greg started Webcheck Security after serving on several executive teams and a long sales and management career with technology... more

About Elko: Elko is an App Development firm and SaaS provider. We use our in-house Elko App Builder(EAB) to provision a fully functional app in just minutes, so unlike working with other firms, at Elko, you don't have to wait for or... more

About Savant Solutions: Savant Solutions, a leading cybersecurity firm, uses best practices to ensure your environment is optimized for security, performance, and compliance. Having applied our experience to companies like Aecom, USAF,... more

KAMIND IT CEO, Matt Katzer, founded the business in 1998 as a way to supply Microsoft and Intel Technology solutions to assist with security concerns within organizations and become more prepared to defend against cybersecurity... more

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