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Cyber Security News

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This show discusses the social implications of various security technologies.

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This unprecedented time with shelter-in-place requires unprecedented cybersecurity measures. Hackers are stepping up COVID-19 phishing sites and efforts to hack the WHO, CDC – and your business! Tune in for a... more

Please join us for a in-depth discussion with zvelo's Head of Cybersecurity, Brad Rhodes. Propelled by the desire to stay on the cutting edge of the latest technologies while securing them, Brad Rhodes has deep experience across... more

Damage, downtime, and reputation loss from a business interruption can be catastrophic for small businesses. Steps to prevent this used to mean that you needed a standard 24/7 support contract with an IT vendor, a firewall, antivirus... more

With more than 1.7 billion websites, there is a vast attack surface for defenders to protect. Despite advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning, predicting attacks is still an imperfect science that confines cybersecurity... more

Beryllium InfoSec Collaborative is an information and cyber security firm based in Minneapolis, MN with a mission to protect data in a practical, affordable and secure way. Beryllium spends a lot of it's time securing the Defense Industrial... more

Leonard Jacobs is President/CEO of Netsecuris LLC., a leading Managed Cyber Defense and Incident Response Provider to businesses. Netsecuris specializing in providing cyber security protections to the utilities, financial services,... more

Vonahi Security is a cybersecurity firm based in Atlanta, GA with a mission to build the future of offensive security through automation. Vonahi Security is disrupting the penetration testing market with an automated penetration testing... more

Jon Waldman is a co-founder, Partner, EVP of Information Security Consulting, and President of the SBS Institute for SBS CyberSecurity, a premier cybersecurity consulting and audit firm dedicated to making a positive impact on the banking... more

Greg Johnson is the CEO of Webcheck Security, and also serves on the Leadership Team at Secuvant, a managed detection and response company. Greg started Webcheck Security after a long sales and management career with... more

Mr. Pete O'Dell has been Chief Executive Officer of Swan Island Networks since October 2015. Mr. O'Dell is a seasoned business executive, primarily in technology, security, and software. Before joining Swan Island, he served as... more

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