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This show discusses the social implications of various security technologies.

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About Avertium: Avertium is the managed security and consulting provider that people turn to when they want more than check-the-box cybersecurity. In today's threat environment, your not-so-standard processes, work flows, and... more

As a nationally recognized leader in managed IT services with a passion for all things public, private, hybrid and multi-cloud, FNTS specializes in partnering with customers that are in highly regulated and compliance-driven industries, with a... more

Petronella Technology Group, Inc serves customers across many vertical sectors in both public and private organizations. We understand that every industry and organization can be faced with unique IT challenges. Our expertise enables us... more

Liquid Analytics: At Liquid Analytics our job is to mine our customer's most valuable asset, data, to produce advanced analytics and actionable insights that transform the ways that you do business. Our suite of AI solutions helps... more

Cyber security is very important and very difficult and even more so for middle-market businesses. LEO Cyber Security which started selling the unique Cyber-as-a-Service in 2017 has grown 3000% by making an ?easy button? for... more

About SCVX: SCVX is the first cybersecurity-focused Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation (SPAC), a publicly-traded company that IPO'd on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in January 2020. With a $230 million pool of capital raised via... more

It is a bit ironic to reflect upon the fact that the very old saying ?may you live in interesting times? is generally referred to as an ancient Chinese curse, though I am unaware of any evidence that is actually true. Nonetheless, SMB... more

About Third Rock: Third Rock is a cyber risk and compliance management professional services firm. Based in Round Rock, Texas, Third Rock services include risk assessments, remediation, and rapid incident response in less 65%... more

Greg Johnson is Founder and CEO of Webcheck Security, a world-class penetration testing and cyber services company. He loves people and providing solutions with integrity. A BYU graduate, Greg began his technology career in... more

Intensity Analytics is a distributed software company specializing in the measurement and interpretation of the mathematics of human behavior. The company's breakthrough contribution to the cybersecurity field is having... more

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