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This show discusses the social implications of various security technologies.

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In the past interviews we have had the pleasure to talk with C-Level Executives about their various product lines. We have learned about new product applications ranging all the way from vein pattern recognition being used in the healthcare... more

As we all know, the typical market applications for Biometrics and related other related Security technologies falls primarily into four distinctive applications: 1) Physical Access Entry; 2) Time and Attendance; 3) Single Sign On; 4)... more

In today's business world, the notion of "Software as a Service", or also known as "SaaS" for short is in fact becoming the de facto standard in which businesses run their IT infrastructures. For example, rather than owning an on premise IT... more

We all know that the Smartphone is fast becoming the extension of both our private and professional lives. Simply put, we cannot live without our Smartphone. It has become the de facto technology by which we communicate... more

In the world of Biometrics today, much research and development is being given to what future technologies hold and possess. Once such potential technology which is receiving a lot of attention today is that of 'DNA Recognition'.... more

We have been interviewing many people high level executives in the Voice Authentication field. This is not surprising, as Voice Authentication is starting to be recognized as a very viable Biometric technology, and holds great promise for... more

If one were to examine the Biometric Modalities which are available today, the one technology which would stand out in terms of recognition by the public is that of Facial Recognition. Why is this so? Well, after the tragic incidents of 9/11,... more

As we all know, Voice Recognition is starting to become an important Biometric technology. While it may not enjoy the "limelight" applications which Vein Pattern Recognition and Iris Recognition do, Voice Recognition is finding its specialty in... more

In the course of these radio shows, we have interviewed thus far two Biomeric Vendors whom specialize in scanning the eye for the purposes of verification and/or identification of an individual. So far, we have examined Sclera... more

Some of the biggest market applications for Biometrics include Physical Access Entry, Time and Attendance, as well as Single Sign On Solutions. However, Biometrics are also starting to boom into other industry sectors as well, such as... more

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